March 25, 2021 Doug Shaw

I was sitting at our dining room table when the notification sounded on my cell phone. The President of the United States had just ordered all federal buildings to lower their flags to half-mast in honor and memory of the 500,000 people who had died from COVID-19 here in the U.S.

Looking up at my wife, I said, “Kathryn, I’m going outside to go lower our flag, too.”  Crossing the lawn to our flagpole, I thought about the 500,000 Americans as well as the 2 million other people now gone across our world. My mind went to all of the family members of those who had spent their last hours on this earth without being able to hug them and say goodbye.

Choking back tears, I tied off the lowered flag and solemnly headed back toward the house.  As I stepped up onto our deck, I turned and watched as the flag straightened in the wind. Pausing there, I saluted with my heart.

I also found myself praying, thanking God for the safety in my own household and family members and business colleagues scattered across this vast country, knowing full well that other mothers, fathers, grandparents and children were, even now, deeply engaged in mourning.

This experience made me grateful that many of the organizations we serve are directly involved in providing food, shelter and hope . . . both materially and spiritually to those who have lost their dreams and their jobs because of this terrible pandemic. In fact, every nonprofit organization and ministry we serve is needed now more than ever!

It’s my sincere hope that this issue of Donor Focus will provide you with insights, examples and challenging ideas to help you grow and inspire those who support your mission in these historic days.

Thank you for being part of what is right with the world!


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