November 4, 2020 Doug Shaw

You and I have something in common with every other human being on earth…no matter where we look, people are adjusting their lives to withstand the pandemic of COVID-19.

My wife, Kathryn, and I recently took a 7,000-mile, 15-state trip in our newly acquired, used RV. Everywhere we traveled we encountered people in various stages of complying with local laws to inhibit the spread of this horrible disease.  It was a very memorable trip to safely visit family and conduct business.

It was also our very first trip in an RV!

If you had told me a year ago that we would abandon the “unfriendly skies” and airports for ground transportation I would have laughed out loud!

Another surprise we’ve experienced in 2020 is the great upsurge in direct- response donor giving to the nonprofit organizations we serve!  Who could have predicted this? On average, the causes we represent are exceeding last year’s income by 145%!

And the year’s not even over!

This issue of Donor Focus offers you several totally applicable insights:

  • Three Ways to Increase Year-End Online Giving
  • Finishing the Year Strong
  • Understanding Donor Potential

And don’t forget to register for our FREE webinar: Unlocking Fundraising Success in 2021: 5 Keys in Your Data. Join us on December 2nd at 12:00 PM CST!  You’ll be glad you did!

May God bless you, preserve you and provide for ALL of your needs!


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