September 20, 2021 Amy Sewell

Wow—what a year for online revenue! The past 12 months have seen most organizations receiving between 21%* and 32%** year-over-year revenue growth online.

But with this increased giving, it can be easy to be lulled into a false sense of security, believing that the flood of new donors and donations means there’s freedom to rest—but there’s not! As we move toward December, the most critical online giving season of the year, I would encourage you to stay vigilant, be strategic, and continue pushing toward further growth.

If your organization is interested in continued fundraising momentum and seeing long-term growth, the typical December campaign is not enough. Consider investing in these four areas to maximize your results:

    1. Increased Digital Advertising Budget – Digital advertising is one of the best tools right now to zero in on the people who are likely to give to your organization. Since most organizations see their best results in December, use any extra budget you have for your campaigns. We recently conducted a webinar around this specific topic, so if you’re interested in learning more to improve digital advertising results, please visit:
    2. Improve Your Multichannel Impact – If you have an acquisition mailing in your plan, make sure you get the rights to use your targeted lists for digital as well. This will ensure that your best donor prospects see you on all channels and maximize the opportunities to give.
    3. Evaluate Your Email Frequency – Your email file is your core group of online supporters. Make sure that the month of December is filled with communications showing the impact of donor’s giving and opportunities to give again. This grows more critical as the month goes on and should culminate in at least two emails going out on December 31.
    4. Ensure Your Website is Ready – You still have enough time to fix major site issues. Go to your website on a phone to see how quickly it loads and how easy it is to donate. If you hit points of frustration, you can bet your donors are hitting them, too. Take the time to fix as many issues as you can, but it’s important to note that deploying a major change in the months of November or December is not advisable, as these can end up costing your organization valuable donation dollars.

The pandemic has changed many things, and one thing has become crystal clear: the importance of your donors. Having a broad base of support, in multiple channels and at multiple giving levels, is how you make sure your organization can weather any storm. While donors are responding at these increased levels, I hope you will set your organization up for long-term, healthy growth by making the most of this year-end season.

* According to the Blackbaud Charitable Giving Report
** According to M+R Benchmark Report

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