January 13, 2021 Douglas Shaw & Associates

The only thing certain about 2021 is uncertainty. You can’t anticipate your donors’ personal circumstances or their confidence to keep giving as usual.

Now more than ever, you must be attentive to your donors. Learn practical steps you can take right now to improve your fundraising results at this FREE webinar on January 27th at 12:00PM CST.

We will discuss how to:

  • Evaluate the effects of COVID-19 and the national election on donor engagement in 2020
  • Make short and long-term changes to your 2021 donor communications plan
  • Implement two key steps to increase donor motivation now

Even amidst the swirl of uncertainty, there are action steps you can take to start the year off strong. This will be the best hour you spend at work in January as you examine ways to strengthen the bond with your donors for maximum giving in 2021.

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