July 5, 2022 Doug Shaw

Newsletters offer a unique opportunity to engage your donors in an exciting, highly visual way—informing them of how greatly their generosity has benefitted your organization’s recipients, making a difference in their lives for many years to come.

But sometimes, they simply become another deadline . . . another item to mark off a communications calendar . . . which can distract you from the importance of these donor focused pieces, and the financial boost they can bring to your fundraising program.

Maybe you don’t even create newsletters for your organization . . . but what if we told you that means you’re leaving significant donor dollars on the table?

In our upcoming webinar, we will discuss key blueprint strategies to help YOU achieve better newsletters that will yield better fundraising results!

During this time, we’ll cover:

      • Strategies to develop strong newsletter content
      • Methods for writing donor focused copy
      • Ways to build compelling layouts
      • Common pitfalls to avoid

Join us on July 13, 2022 at 12:00 PM CDT.
