September 24, 2021 Douglas Shaw & Associates

Douglas Shaw & Associates is excited to announce our partnership with Pathways to College, headquartered in Teaneck, NJ!

Identifying potential and developing leaders in under-represented populations remains a critical challenge in our society. The mission of Pathways to College is to meet this need by expanding the pipeline to college in under-served communities.

A key to addressing this challenge is strengthening the students’ ability to win admission to, and succeed in, the best possible colleges, given their interests and abilities.

Through an innovative program, Pathways to College helps students develop the tools they need to reflect, articulate, and build on their life experiences while also strengthening their critical thinking, communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and other skills that are key to academic and personal success.

Pathways to College offers the inspiration, motivation, and help these bright, young students need to realize their college aspirations. The Douglas Shaw team is grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with Pathways to College in mobilizing donors to invest in today’s students who are becoming tomorrow’s leaders.