April 10, 2024 Doug Shaw

Douglas Shaw

Throughout my fundraising career, I have been asked by just about everyone, “What effect do you think the election will have on our giving this year?” In this issue of Donor Focus, wel provide some key insights in the article, 8 Strategies for Fundraising in an Election Year.”

Our Associate Creative Director Brittané Dodwell’s piece, Inspiring Teams for Purpose-Driven Impact,” explores the value of knowing the “why” we do what we do in fundraising. As she writes, “I’ve never seen anything light up a team like truly knowing why we do what we do.” Britt continues, “Fundraising is a privilege—because every dollar raised represents a life changed.”

When you factor in all the above with Senior Creative Director Robert Johnson’s article, A Guide to Creating a Fundable Offer,”  you’ll see even in an election year, we find following the fundamentals of direct response fundraising absolutely essential. It’s not a time to pull back in your fundraising efforts while waiting for the election cycle to end. It’s a time to put proven practices to work by investing in yourself. May you have a great 2024!

Thanks for being a part of what is right with the world!
