September 8, 2022 Jason Wood

Keep your team on track all year, across all channels.

Your communications calendar is the tie that binds your team’s many moving parts together, anchoring all of your organization’s donor communication to the annual plan. You’ll know exactly what your donors are seeing—in the mail, online, in their inbox—which makes it easy to ensure messaging is seamless and engaging for every level of giver, all year long. You can balance stewardship pieces, hard asks, and everything in between with this tool, while steadily strengthening the place your organization holds in the heart of a giver. Be sure to open this tool up to everyone who has any type of communications with the donors, from event invitations to print and digital appeals, to newsletters, major gifts, and mid-level giving communications . . . anyone who has communications with donors should have eyes on this calendar. This is your best tool to ensure the donor is at the center of every communication, however great, however small.
