December 20, 2019 Graham Shaw

When I was a kid, my family would always attend a Christmas Eve service before returning home for one present before bedtime—following a Christmas prayer. I can still remember my Dad’s voice quoting the familiar Christmas passage from Luke, and the words echo with me now as I sit with my wife beside our own young sons, “I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Luke 2:10 (NIV).

That verse is very important to me, as it was to my father and the company he founded a quarter-century ago. It’s because we are blessed to be partners with organizations and ministries who are a part of what’s right with the world: providing for those in need and sharing the Good News for all.

So on Christmas, like no other time of the year, as we join family and friends in celebrating our greatest gift—Jesus Christ and His coming—I invite you to join me in a prayer of gratitude for how God has worked through us to do the most good in the year that’s passing.

And a heartfelt prayer of purpose for the new year and new decade ahead, serving others with excellence.

The work we’re humbly accomplishing together—something that is right with the world—is a calling as much as a commitment, a privilege as it is a promise. And that’s certainly worth celebrating in Christ’s name today, on His Day . . . on Christmas Day “for all the people!”

– Graham Shaw

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