September 2019

View all on this date written articles further down below.
As fundraisers, the reality of finding your potential donors is complicated. But there are still ways to identify the best potential donors and get a message in front of them wherever they happen to be. This is one of my favorite things about working in digital.
As fundraisers, the reality of finding your potential donors is complicated. But there are still ways to identify the best potential donors and get a message in front of them wherever they happen to be. This is one of my favorite things about working in digital.
04 Sep 2019

Going Where the Donors Are: Digital Acquisition

As fundraisers, the reality of finding your potential donors is complicated. But there are still ways to identify the best…

As fundraisers, the reality of finding your potential donors is complicated. But there are still ways to identify the best potential donors and get a message in front of them wherever they happen to be. This is one of my favorite things about working in digital.
As fundraisers, the reality of finding your potential donors is complicated. But there are still ways to identify the best potential donors and get a message in front of them wherever they happen to be. This is one of my favorite things about working in digital.
04 Sep 2019

Are You Ready for the 4th Quarter?

As fundraisers, the reality of finding your potential donors is complicated. But there are still ways to identify the best…

As fundraisers, the reality of finding your potential donors is complicated. But there are still ways to identify the best potential donors and get a message in front of them wherever they happen to be. This is one of my favorite things about working in digital.
As fundraisers, the reality of finding your potential donors is complicated. But there are still ways to identify the best potential donors and get a message in front of them wherever they happen to be. This is one of my favorite things about working in digital.
04 Sep 2019

Receipting: Gift Acknowledgement

As fundraisers, the reality of finding your potential donors is complicated. But there are still ways to identify the best…