August 19, 2015 Douglas Shaw & Associates

The Live the Give series of employee profiles demonstrates the Douglas Shaw & Associates commitment to serving others both in our professional and personal lives.

Title:  Associate Consultant
Employee Since: 2013
Clients:  Wycliffe Associates, SIM, Far East Broadcasting Company, and He Intends Victory
Where She Gives:  The Orchard Evangelical Free Church, Arlington Heights, Illinois

“Most of my volunteer involvement is through my church.  I’m a leader for our high school youth group—sophomore girls this year—and strive to walk with them and provide encouragement as they grow in their faith during this challenging part of their lives.

“As a teen, I was strongly impacted by this ministry.  I learned about the Bible and had good models of people who were following God and giving their lives to Him.  I hope to be this type of example to the girls I work with on a regular basis.

“I also love to share stories with the girls of how my clients are doing God’s work all over the world—to give them applicable examples of how God is actively working everyday in ways they may not realize.

“God weaves His ministries together and inspires people, giving them the energy and resources to do His will.  I take so much encouragement from knowing that and seeing the way that we are all serving the Gospel through our clients’ ministries.“