August 25, 2016 Douglas Shaw & Associates

Title: Account Coordinator

Employee Since: June 2016

Clients: Springfield, Detroit Rescue Mission, Buckner Intl., Scott Mission

adam-camp-2“I’m a childhood cancer survivor.  A year after my diagnosis, my mom signed me up for the Children’s Oncology Services Youth Cancer Camp in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.  I didn’t want to go – I was in tears the night before I left – but after the first week, I called my mom saying I never wanted to leave.

“When you’re a kid with cancer, it’s hard to be treated as a kid and enjoy all the normal activities that an 11-year-old should be doing.  At camp, it created that normal atmosphere that was so important.  Back home, I was the only one who had cancer.  At camp, we all had cancer. 

adam-camp-3“I was a camper for 8 years, then became a counselor seven years ago.  The program is great – arts & crafts, fishing, watersports and dances.  I work with 7-12 year olds each year and I don’t see myself stopping anytime soon.

“We push each other, support each other and show the kids that anything is possible.  We are living proof, and I try to instill that message in all the kids I work with.  The friendships I’ve made, both as a camper and a counselor, are friends I’ll have for life.  Camp has become my home away from home – my second family.”