August 11, 2017 Doug Shaw

You might want to take a little more time reading this issue of Donor Focus. The entire issue is devoted to the truth that there is, indeed, still time to positively impact your donated income by the stroke of midnight on December 31!

If you are a CEO, CFO, or a member of the Board of Trustees, you can take heart. There are many strategies you can employ starting TODAY that can make you smile and give thanks by calendar year-end. And if you happen to be the Chief Development Officer for your ministry or organization, you can be the one to report “It’s been a good year!”

So be encouraged.

Our senior strategists have come together, in this issue, to share insights that can give you the extra lift to your income in 2017. It begins with our Director of Digital Solutions, Amy Sewell’s article: “One Day to Rule Them All.” Senior Vice President Keith Cleghorn offers several key insights into why he no longer shops on Christmas Eve. Our beloved Wiley Stinnett offers up his wisdom once again; this time through his article “Consistency Is Key.” But he also ventures into deeper waters, recommending the value of telemarketing.


It’s my great pleasure to announce two new SVPs leading our Client Services Team: Keith Cleghorn and Christa Huff! Lastly, if you look very closely at our company’s logo, you’ll see an important addition . . . we have opened a new office in Seattle to better serve those of you residing on the West Coast.

I hope you enjoy and benefit from this issue as you seek to be part of what is right with the world!

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