February 2, 2018 Doug Shaw

Well, it’s a little late to wish you “Happy New Year!” But it’s certainly not too late to help you make 2018 a better fundraising year!

This issue of Donor Focus is filled with inspired strategies to help you maximize your relationships with all of the new donors you’ve just acquired during the last quarter of 2017.

As you well know, it’s one thing to acquire new donors, and quite another to treat them right. After all, you’ve just spent a ton of money to replace the donors you lost last year (and hopefully invested in some net growth too) so it’s our deepest desire that you treat your newfound friends in ways that will endear them and see them deepen their financial relationship with your organization/ministry.

In order to move your God-given mission forward, in this issue you’ll read articles entitled:

  • “Welcome Your New Donors Right”
  • “Acquiring Donors in Multiple Ways”
  • “All New Donors Aren’t Created Equal”
  • “It’s Not a Relationship Without a Second Gift”

As a Donor Focus reader, you’ll also receive advanced notification of our next FREE WEBINAR:
What Is Your Data Telling You?
By participating, you’ll learn valuable lessons on how to interpret your data and ultimately improve the health of your donor file!

So . . . what are you waiting for? Dig into this issue and join our 6,000 other readers to reap the benefits of helping your organization to be more donor-focused as you serve!

And, lastly, if your 2017 donor acquisition efforts were less than stellar, let us show you how we can reach your donors’ hearts and help you change lives! Start the conversation.

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