October 8, 2019 Douglas Shaw & Associates

“If you started a company, I’d work with you.”

Founder and CEO, Doug Shaw, spent years working at agencies whose clients, over time, had one common message for him: start your own company.

Little did he realize that hearing those simple yet encouraging words from faithful clients 25 years ago would be the catalyst to Douglas Shaw & Associates.

Today, the impact of this company spans countless lives across a multitude of organizations who are committed to being part of what is right with the world. And it’s only the beginning.

Nicole Nieves: It’s not every day an organization gets to celebrate 25 years . . .

Doug Shaw: It’s pretty unbelievable.

Graham Shaw: I can’t believe that I’m getting to do what I get to do.

Nicole: It’s hard to think this all started with one person who had a simple desire to serve others. Doug, take us back to your vision from day one.

Doug: I wanted to serve organizations that were committed to excellence in fundraising. I felt a sense of calling. I think the Lord really wants to help people, and I’m just so grateful he’s choosing to work through us.

Nicole: What’s the common thread between each of the clients you serve?

Graham: They want to help transform people’s lives to improve their quality of life.

Doug: A lot of organizations are coming to us as they grow, looking for custom strategies as opposed to a syndicated or canned approach. And that’s the space we’ve always worked in!

Nicole: What’s one of the biggest competitive advantages that you have?

Doug: One main thing has set us apart—RESULTS. We are seeing incredible results on behalf of those that we serve.

Nicole: So, what’s your secret sauce?

Doug: [Laughs] Well I’ll be honest . . . I don’t think there is a secret sauce! There’s just doing the fundamentals well all the time.

Nicole: Graham, you’ve been a part of the company for a while now. What made you realize you wanted to build a career here?

Graham: My parents encouraged me to do what I love. And I love the causes that we serve. I quickly realized how much more of an impact I could make in the world by partnering with our clients to help people and spread God’s Word.

Doug: It surprised me when he chose to be a part of this [looks proudly at his son]. But I’m excited that Graham loves what we do and wants to be a part of the amazing work of our clients. And as we plan for the future, we are realizing that succession is much more than any one leader. It’s building a team where every leader has a plan in place. This company runs well because people collaborate, follow principles that work, and operate in a culture of respect.

Nicole: Absolutely. Now looking ahead, where do you want to see Douglas Shaw & Associates go next?

Graham: I want to apply all the knowledge and testing we’ve done to improve results for the organizations we serve, expand into new areas, and start impacting lives in different ways. I’m excited to help even more organizations grow over the next 20-plus years.

Nicole: Well, you both have a lot to be proud of thus far. On behalf of the staff, our clients, and the many people impacted along the way—thank you for your tireless commitment to serving others with excellence.

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” (1 Peter 4:10 ESV)

Our team is happy to help advise you on what strategy may work best for your organization, but you’ll never know unless you try.

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