February 10, 2022 John Nasby

Traditional media (like radio and television) is often dismissed as a viable option for nonprofits to share their mission because of the cost and difficulty of targeting specific audiences. If that’s your perspective, keep reading . . . things have dramatically changed!

Recently, we put together a cable TV package for one of our partner organizations, targeting specific audiences they wanted to reach. Their 30-second TV spots aired more than 6,000 times, resulting in 1.2 million interactions with those audiences. The cost was relatively low—at a $6,000 investment, that’s only a half-cent per impression!

But before you’re ready to jump on board, let’s review some of the details that make that possible . . .

Radio and television messaging is now consumed in multiple ways, making better audience targeting possible. Television viewers can be reached via multiple means today (e.g. cable, streaming, Internet, and even those who still use a basic antenna). Radio also reaches people multiple ways, including traditionally broadcasted radio signals, SM satellite, and web streaming.

So what’s your first step in reaching more potential donors with your mission?

1. Start by reviewing your current marketing budget to see how it could be expanded or allocated differently to produce spots at very affordable rates because they, too, desire to support the work of local nonprofits.

2. Then, test to see how cable exposure helped overall performance. Be sure to set specific goals to help determine the cable marketing’s additive impact and whether it justified the cost.

3. Finally, keep testing! It’s important to test the messages you are broadcasting to determine the viability of your effort. Once you know if it works, establish a roll-out budget based on your required return on investment. Do more of what worked and eliminate what did not.

But you don’t have to do it alone. We are ready to help you explore how your organization could benefit from a custom media plan that incorporates traditional media in your fundraising efforts. So, reach out to us today!

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