October 20, 2017 Amy Sewell

Did you know that you can put a message in front of the same donors online that you are reaching through direct mail?

It’s possible—whether or not they’ve opted into digital communications from you in the past.

Recently Facebook rolled out the ability to build custom audiences based on a file of mailing addresses. This opens up huge possibilities for the nonprofit space since most organizations have a larger mail community of supporters than digital. Right now at year-end, one of the most likely times of the year for someone to give, is the time to take advantage of this new capability.

Build your custom email audience and boost year-end performance!

Within your Facebook Ad Manager there is an area to build custom audiences. Simply upload your file and Facebook will match your contacts against its database to build your custom audience. From that point you can begin to run ads that will draw the attention of people who have been known to support your mission.

This type of custom advertising can be done with any budget and, for our clients, typically will activate lapsed donors, acquire new donors, and lift response for your active donors—all while helping boost your year-end results.

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