April 9, 2020 Douglas Shaw & Associates

This Easter season is like no previous time in our experience, as we all respond to the COVID-19 crisis. But while we shelter in place and work from home—worried about our health, loved ones, communities, country, and beyond—I see the hope that Easter represents has never been more needed. . . or more timely.

That’s because the essential message of Easter is redemption, and in a time like this when the world is changing daily, we need restoration and hope in our lives—right now.

That means approaching things in a positive light . . . bringing hope and encouragement to the world to see redemption in people’s lives like never before.

The good news is—as with so many who we are proud to work with at Douglas Shaw & Associates—we’re already doing that: accomplishing all we can to provide help and give hope by partnering with organizations that are part of what is right with the world … at a time when it’s needed most.

So, during an Easter season like no other in history, I encourage you and your family to be hopeful. Because, “I know that my redeemer lives,” Job 19:25 (NIV), and as God is our hope and witness, we will all see this through, together.