May 26, 2017 Doug Shaw

Boy, I tell ya, I’m almost afraid to turn on the television these days! The news is mostly tumultuous at best. The din of politics hurts my head and man’s brutality to man hurts my heart! But I must say, it gives all the more meaning to the work we all share . . . giving hope to those who are in need of some good news!

Speaking of good news, I think you’ll find this issue of Donor Focus to be full of insightful articles by some of our treasured and talented staff. Consultant Aubrey Hoeppner shares her travel and Bible translation adventures with our beloved partner in ministry, Wycliffe Associates. And Amy Sewell, our Director of Digital Solutions, is at it again with insights into “The Art of Launching a Money Bomb!”(One of the better bombs flying around these days.) She also sheds some light on Peer-to-Peer fundraising for our partner, CARE Australia, that achieved a 1305.21% donation increase! Of course we’re featuring another rule of fundraising, “Rule #60: An Effective Development Officer Is a Gift to the Spirit.”

All in all, I think in this issue you will find more resources to help you be part of what is right with the world. Hope it helps!

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