July 28, 2015 Amy Sewell

A Nonprofit Guide to Getting Started with Google Advertising

The best approach to connecting your organization with potential donors is one that uses multiple channels to meet people where they are and connect them with your work. Traditional channels like direct mail are essential and should be utilized, but as more and more people look for information online your organization cannot afford to ignore this critical audience. Your website is a public face of your organization, providing information about your latest work, lives changed, and the impact you have on the community. But how do you drive people who are online onto your website and into donating? One of the best options, is through the use of Google AdWords.

Google Adwords refers to any advertising that takes place when someone searches on Google. This allows users to see your content related to information they’re already searching for, at the very top of their Google search results. This opens up a huge new audience for your organization as Google is used for approximately 65-90% of all searches worldwide — a total of over 3 billion searches conducted every day. And it is not just millennials conducting their searches online. In 2010, over 80% of people over the age of 55 surveyed report that they were searching online for information — a key target group for a nonprofit’s potential donors…

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