November 23, 2016 Doug Shaw

Perhaps you and I share some of the same angst as we consider all of the challenges of staying on top of the latest best practices in fundraising. There are so many ways to communicate today that God only knows which channels are performing at the highest rates, and how long can we continue to rely on the old standards (like direct mail?).

Perhaps you and I share some of the same angst as we consider all of the challenges of staying on top of the latest best practices in fundraising.

The good news is God has given us renewed minds and the ability to use them. He not only knows which fundraising channels are performing at the highest levels, He’s made it possible for us to gain critical insight into what’s working, what’s not and what are emerging as viable options to add to our fundraising tackle box.

I hope you’ll dig into the pages of this issue of Donor Focus and join me and my colleagues as we share what we’ve learned about:

  • What the future holds for direct mail fundraising
  • Essential principles for your use of online fundraising
  • What one broadcast ministry is doing to acquire more donors
  • How “The Widow’s Mite” can cost your ministry money
  • An innovative online way for rescue missions to acquire more donors
  • Why taking time out to refresh yourself can help you raise more money
  • Who won a special award for multi-channel messaging
  • A new resource available to you and a friend, FREE of charge

Most of all, I hope you will find something useful for your own philanthropic journey by exploring the path of the fundraising wilderness as presented in this issue of Donor Focus!

On behalf of my talented colleagues, happy reading!


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